Saturday, August 28, 2010

CAS - Cleft Clip Palate, Second Day.

Today in CAS, we came up with multiple ideas, as to how we could raise money.
Some of the ideas were,
1. Another party outside school
2. A auction

We were not clear as to what we would do. Some people were for doing the auction, because it was something new and no other CAS had done before. But on the other had we had experience with organizing the party. In the end we all voted for doing the Party, but this time with a theme, which is masquerade.

Now next CAS meeting we have to decide when and where we will do it and do the math.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

CAS - Cleft Clip Palate, First Day.

Today, was the first day of CAS after the summer break. During the meeting, i noticed that many people had left the CAS to join other CAS's. But at the same time many new people joined, from different grades this time, because last year there were all 11th grader and 2 8th graders. In the first session, we all got to know each other and decided what role each person will do in the CAS.

We set a goal, this year of reaching a limit of 300 thousand for the children. We also had to explain to new people what the CAS was about and what it expected from them. In all i think we are off to a good start, and we should be able to hit the goal if all goes well :)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

End Of Year Reflection

I had a great year at OSC in grade 11. This year i managed to do a lot of productive community service work. WWW was one of the few places where i got to do community. Coming half way through the semester to OSC was a challenge because 1. i had missed a lot of work already 2. i had not done the IB course at all before and 3. i had no friends. But in these 8 months, i have made friends and also been able to achieve more in terms of studies. I had made these 3 goals and i think i have succeeded in them. My goals for 12th grade are the same but work harder and also maintain doing sport (SAISA) at the same time. This is not going to be easy, but i will try my best to do them.

My CAS Cleft Clip and Palate Disorder, was a success. When i first joined that CAS i thought how can we start a CAS that is run by a student and which has no recognition, but i saw that we were able to come up with ideas as a group and use it to our advantage. We had our first charity event at the Blue Elephant at the Hilton, and we were able to manage all the arrangements, with the help of the Hilton staff. At the end we were able to collect enough money to pay for the operations and also play the DJ and some others. We also made a profit which we plan to use it for our next event. I think the i will continue to remain in this CAS in grade 12th.