Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Cancer Hospital Concert. Desi Girl.

Druing the break, me and Sajiv were asked to perform in this concert.We accepted the invitation. Me and Sajiv had come up with a song, since the theme was Bollywood, we decided to do a typical Bollywood dance. The first song that came into our minds was "Maarjani". But we still looked into the possibilites of other songs we could do. So that was sorted for now.

So far in the group there was Thishakya, Priyanka, Me and Sajiv. But we thought if we included another pair, it would do no harm. So we asked Aniska and she immediatly agreed and now we needed another boy to balance out the group. So we asked Shashwat, he said that he would, but his mother dissagreed. So now we didn't want to kick out Aniska, so at that time a new kid had come in 11th and his name was Bharat. So i asked him if he wanted to do the dance or not? He was cool with it and he joined. So far our group looked balanced. We had taken permision from Mr. Cole's, taking into consideration what Sajiv and his family were going through at that time. He agreed, so we started practicing. At this point it was, Me, Sajiv, Bharat, Thishakya, Aniska, Priyanka.

The song we had chosen in the beginnig "Maarjani". Was declined by the others. So the next song that we came up with was, "Maujha hi Maujhiya" and thanks to the girls, we were conviced to do 2 songs. So the other song was "Ahun Ahun Ahun". So now we had the song sorted and we had started dancing.

All the practices took place and MY HOUSE.

After a month with that song, we thought that they were not working out, so we

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Gym at Taj.

For months, i have been thinking of going to Taj for using the gym. But it did not work out because everyday, there would be some problem with the transport or me not wanting to go. But since, then i have developed an interest of going their.

Today i went to Taj with one of my friend, Bharat. We have a common goal that is body building.

What i aim to achieve this year is
1. lose weight
2. make as much muscles as i can
3. stay fit and healthy

It will not be an easy task as i will need to force my self and my body to do so.
What i did today :-
1, Half an hour of treadmill
2, 1 hour of Weight lifting ( 20kg ) and other machines which helped me workout on the other parts of my body.
3, 45 mins of swimming. 32 laps of freestyle and breaststroke.

I think this will be a very effective workout, and will help me reach my goal for the year.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


During this weeks CAS, we discussed the problems that occured while planning for the party. We could not have the party mainly becuase of not getting the place booked, although we did get donations. Since we have the money now, but no party, we will give that money to the chlidren for the operations, and instead of haveing the party we will go to the children to meet them hopefully next week if everything goes well. We have talked to the doctor for an appointment and now we all have to look for a convinent date to go.