Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Eight Criteria For CAS
  1. Increased their awareness of their strengths and areas for growth
  2. Undertaken new challenges
  3. Planned and initiated activities
  4. Worked collaboratively with others
  5. Shown perseverance and commitment in their activities
  6. Engaged with issues of global importance
  7. Considered the ethical implication of their actions
  8. Developed new skills
I think i have accomplished these goals, with the recent activities that i have done. These 2 years have taught me a lot about my self and what i can accomplish as an individual. CAS over all is a great program that allows a student to do something different, and learn about themselves and the people around them, it is just not about you, it is the what you can also do for others around you.

This is what i have learnt:-

Creativity: Helps you bring out your creative side, like organizing events, giving new ideas.

Action: To see your physical fitness and what you are able to do or help other people do.

Service: To be aware about whats happening around you, and take action in order to help or make a place a better environment.

The first CAS i joined was Cleft Clip and Palate. It was a new CAS which was started by one of my friend Rithvick, who initially planned to help raise money for the kids who had CCP and could not afford to pay for the surgery. We had quite some difficulties, in the beginning but we managed to have a good start. We raised money for the kids by having a party for fund raising, which was successful as we could pay for operations for 10 children.
But as time passed, Mr Lockwood told me that the CAS was not going anywhere and that i should change, so this semester i changed my CAS to recycling.

In the past 2 years i have (1) Increased my awareness of my strengths and areas for growth by cycling, i never thought i could cycle the way i used to when i was small, as i gained weight in the following years. But each day, was new as i could cycle for longer periods of time, and this became one of the good strengths as i figured that i could lose weight, and now i have developed that skill to help me with the stamina required in Badminton. (2) Undertaken new challenges, i was recently in borderlands in Kithugala and for the first time i was going white water rafting and cannoning, both of these which i am scared of. White water rafting because since i was a child i had fears of deep and fast waters, cannoning because i was always afraid of heights, but i took the challenge this time and did both the activities. (4) Worked collaboratively with others and (3) Planned and initiated activities , when i was in Cleft clip CAS we had the task of organizing an event to raise money for the surgeries, we had split the tasks equally amongst people and we managed to work things out independently like getting the tickets printed and sold on time, poster designed and ready to be pasted, getting the venue etc , during the planning stage, but the time when we all collaborated the best was during the party, when we all came together to help each other out with all the chaos, it was not needed to be said when a person needed help or a replacement at the bar, i think we managed as a whole to have a successful party with people going home smiling. Badminton is one of the few sports where i have shown the most (5) Shown perseverance and commitment in their activities, since the last 3 years, after i lost interest in swimming i found this sport to be really exciting yet competitive, i thought i could actually compete in this sport, the only way was to push my self and thats what i exactially did, and now that i am in the school team, it try to put all my effort in doing the best, going out of limit to prove to people that i can do it. (8) Developed new skills

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